Global Opportunities

Global Opportunities

We love people around the world!

Our 20+current partners include 16 who grew up at PCC or actively served and led as adult members.

Short-term Trips

Each year PCC organizes trips to support our local and global mission partners. These trips provide excellent opportunities to learn more about our mission partners firsthand, and for you to grow in your relationship with Christ.

In 2025, these are the partners who we are emphasizing. Pray, advocate, or join a discipleship team to visit.

US Border Immersion Trip, San Diego & Tijuana
  • Understand the heart and experience of the immigrants in our midst
  • Timing: June 6-10
Malawi Children’s Mission, Africa
  • Serve MCM’s school of preschool – 8th graders
  • Timing: June 7-16
Borderless Africa/Europe, Italy
  • Vision trip to understand Muslim refugees
  • Timing: Visit Rome, Italy June 27-July 6
Karawa Coffee, Congo, Africa
  • Vision trip to visit the coffee farmers connected to the Paul Carlson Partnership
  • Timing:
Borderless Africa/Europe, Spain
  • Serve Muslim refugees in partnership with Tarsus El Betel Church in Jerez, Spain
  • Timing: Jerez, Spain October 4-13
Global Partner Care, Europe
  • Serve missionary families by providing childcare at a conference in Europe
  • Timing: October 24-November 4
Want to know more about PCC's Short-term Trips?