Would you like to make a difference with us locally?
Here are some ways we are teaming together to impact our community.
Community Center
PCC is one of few churches in the nation with a fitness center. The Community Center empowers people to become healthy both physically and spiritually.
School Aged Childcare (SACC)
PCC hosts nearly 40 children in an afterschool program. Not only does this help local families, but the children are introduced to the Christian faith.
PCC Preschool
About 20 children participate in our preschool where they are loved and taught about how God loves them.
East Redwood City and Generations United
We serve children and families in tutoring, English teaching, sports, and more. Watch for growth opportunities in 2025!
Street Life
23 years ago PCC Young Adults dreamed of getting food to people on the streets. As that met a real need in the name of Jesus, it grew into a peninsula-wide organization of Street Life Ministries, partnering with multiple churches, serving over 45,000 meals a year, guiding people in need through transitions and recovery, offering worship services and training leaders for gatherings on the street.
Grace Place
At the request of the local police department, people from PCC and Street Life created Grace Place Initiative, set up Redwood City homes for the most vulnerable women. You can serve by driving women to appointments, helping them fill out forms, tutoring and teaching English, coaching in Bible studies.
Foster Care Portal
This lay-led ministry at PCC meets physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of foster families and children.
Young Life
Partnering with Young Life enables our middle school ministry to strategically reach out to local teens who don’t yet know the love of Christ.