Drs. Trent and Tabby Cox lead SIM Ethiopia as Country Director. They went to Ethiopia as young veterinarians to work with pastoral people groups in southwest Ethiopia, but more recently have lived in the capital city of Addis Ababa, leading a staff of over 300, a K-12 School, guesthouse, and many medical and church-planting and training ministries spread throughout the country. Their children are Jack, Lili, and Desta.

Autumn and Richard Acheampong serve children and teachers at City of Refuge Ministries (CORM) in Doryumu, Volta, Ghana. In addition to providing quality education for the most vulnerable children in the community, CORM helps rescue young children from labor trafficking on Lake Volta. Autumn and Richard foster two boys and are the proud parents of baby Ava Lynne “Babaa Akosua” Acheampong
Mossai and Sabuli Sanguma have been leading the church in Congo, as well as the country, from caring for the most vulnerable orphan to serving in the national Senate. During his tenure as President of the CEUM (Communauté Evangélique de l’Ubangi Mongala), Mossai founded Ubangi Protestant University to allow anyone from remote areas, such as Gemena, to receive higher education. Sabuli cares for about a hundred orphaned and vulnerable children through Sabuli Children’s Center.

Ken and Avisha Mpemba live in Blantyre, Malawi with their children Isaac, Ezra and Bethany. Leading Malawi Children’s Mission, they provide food, medical care, schooling, and vocational development for 150 local vulnerable children and youth, most whom were orphaned by the HivAids crisis and now cared for by extended family, all living in poverty. (filters: impoverished, least reached, Malawi, Africa)

Bayana and Shingi Chunga live in Blantyre, Malawi with their daughters Kwamora and Watonda. A nationally renown communicator through his TV and radio ministry, Bayana is especially passionate about college students and young married couples.