Together: Experiencing A Savior Who Knows

Together: Experiencing A Savior Who Knows

Lenten Series: March 6 – April 17, 2022

As we head into Lenten season, our hope is you will understand that we have a Savior that suffered much for us. Along with being tempted in every way, our Savior suffered in every way emotionally, physically, socially and relationally. As God and man, he experienced loneliness, grief, mockery, exhaustion, brutalization, betrayal, abandonment and misrepresentation. The benefit of reflecting on His suffering is to understand the extent of His love for us and His compassion for us in our suffering. This journey is an unlikely one that we would choose to take alone, but by doing it together we can become ones who experience and embody the passion of Christ.

I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead! 

Philippians 3:10-11

Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested. 

Hebrews 2:18


  1. Understand that Jesus knows your suffering and is there for you
  2. Appreciate the extent of Jesus’s suffering for you
  3. See the connection between Jesus suffering and ours

March 6

Topic: Intro: He Suffers & We Suffer: Ashes
Scripture: Isaiah 53, Phil 3:10-11, Hebrews 2:18, Luke 24:26
Gathering: 8:45am Traditional & 10:30am Contemporary

March 13

Topic: Temptation
Scripture: Luke 4:1-13
Gathering: 8:45am Traditional & 10:30am Contemporary

March 20

Topic: Exhaustion
Scripture: Luke 8:43-48, Mark 6:31
Gathering: 8:45am Traditional & 10:30am Contemporary

March 27

Topic: Mocked
Scripture: Luke 4:24, Luke 18:32, Luke 22:63, Mark 3:21
Gathering: 10am TOGETHER Gathering

April 3

Topic: Grief
Scripture: Luke 19:41, John 11:35, Matthew 14:12-13
Gathering: 8:45am Traditional & 10:30am Contemporary

April 10 — Palm Sunday

Topic: Palm Sunday — Misrepresented
Scripture: Luke 19:28-24
Gathering: 8:45am Traditional & 10:30am Contemporary

April 15 — Good Friday

Topic: Beaten, Betrayed & Burdened
Scripture: Luke 22:44
Gathering: 7pm TOGETHER Gathering

April 17 — Easter Sunday

Topic: Easter: From Suffering to Glory – Road to Emmaus
Scripture: Luke 24:13-32, Luke 24:26
Gathering: 8:45am Traditional, 10am Contemporary

Stephen Ministers – 1 on 1 support in your time of loss
A Short Walk with Emma – Learn how God and the PCC community carried another through great suffering

Men’s Purity – For those wrestling with temptation
Coaching & Mentoring – For men and women to work through challenging times

One Life Counseling Center / Christian Counseling Center – Professional Support Support for Ukraine – Financially and spiritually support