Welcome Table
- Are you an extrovert or just love helping people?
- Are you excited to meet people new to PCC and offer help?
- Do you feel excitement at the prospect of helping people have an awesome experience at PCC?
If you answered yes to these questions, then this role is for you!
Every Sunday, there are both new and PCCers who are looking for ways to connect or finding the information they need about programs and services at PCC. Welcome Table volunteers provide a warm welcome and information about a variety of engagement opportunities, and other assistance out on our patio.
You will serve at the Welcome Table on the upper patio, closest to the back parking lot, starting 30 minutes before the service and 30 minutes after the service. You don’t need to know everything, we’ll help you learn who you direct people to. You can serve once a month or up to every Sunday, depending on your schedule.
If you’d like to find out more, sign up through the button below and we’ll contact you.
Email: Daisy Segal