First Fruits

In the Old Testament, there were established agricultural practice of Israelites to deliver to God not their leftovers but their first fruits. In particular in the Jewish feast of Pentecost, believers would bring their first fruits to the temple as a thanks offering to God, anticipating that God would bring in the rest of the harvest.
During this series we will talk about bringing God our first fruits in the whole of our life as we give of our time, our talents, and our treasure.

Dates & Topics

May 12

In God we Trust
Preacher: Mark Tumney

May 19

Pneumatic Power (Pentecost)
Preacher: Mark Tumney

May 26

Escaping the Tyranny of the Urgent
Preacher: Mark Tumney

June 2

Using Our Gifts to Glorify God
Preacher: Tammy Swanson-Draheim

June 9

Stewardship of Treasure
Preacher: Mark Tumney

June 16

Five Minutes After We Die
Preacher: Mark Tumney