Messages by Jonathan Montejano

PEACE, 12/05/21
MESSAGE December 5 Message Overview:Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and souls to celebrate the extraordinary birth of Jesus that has blessed the world. During our Advent series, Together We Sing, while integrating our year-long theme of Together We Are PCC, we will focus on key Scriptures and known songs of the season that point us toward our Savior, Christ, who brings us Hope, Peace, Love, Joy, Light, and Faith. This week we focus daily on Peace and…
Simeon’s Song, 12/27/20
Watch: Listen: Peninsula Covenant Church · Dec 27, 2020 – A Weary World Rejoices: Simeon's Song Throughout the month of December, each Sunday and on Christmas Eve (Thursday, December 24), we will hear teachings based on songs in the Gospel of Luke. During this Advent Season, PCC is wanting to help a weary world rejoice by giving you, your family and/or friends, a daily focus to help you experience the hope, peace, joy, and love of God. Our series, A…
Family Sunday, 9/06/20
Watch: Listen: Peninsula Covenant Church · Sep 6, 2020 – Family Sunday

On the Move, 7/26/20
Watch: Listen: Peninsula Covenant Church · Jul 27, 2020 – ONE KINGDOM. INDIVISIBLE. On the Move This 8-week series will provide an overview of the Kingdom of God, as it is taught throughout Scripture. During each week, we will focus on the theological foundation for the unity of the Kingdom of God, while making applications to our current national/cultural environment. The hope is to provide a Christ-like lens for how the Church can be a unified voice of good news…