There may not be a better tribute to the Holy Scriptures than the one that is provided in Psalm 119. Every verse in Psalm 119 exalts the Word of God and the God of Word. This psalm has been called the “Mount Everest of the Psalms” and every verse mentions and exalts God. In these one hundred seventy-six verses, all but five verses reference the Word of God. In this psalm the writer expresses his appreciation for the goodness, mercies, severity, faithfulness, righteousness, and character of God, and in so doing stands in awe of the Word of God (Psalm 119:161). The writer of this psalm is unknown, although many claim that David was the original writer, however, ultimately the writer of this great chapter is the Holy Spirit, as all Scripture is inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16). The composition of the one hundred seventy-six verses can be broken down into twenty-two sections, with each section beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and each section having eight verses.
- Help us focus on the endless goodness of God – Gratitude
- Help us fall back in love with His Word – Awe
- Help us find our way in life through His Word – Dependence
July 3
Week 1: The Blessed Life
Passage: Psalm 119:1-16
July 10
Week 2: A Humble Heart
Passage: Psalm 119:17-32
July 17
Week 3: Persistent Dependence
Passage: Psalm 119:33-48
July 24
Week 4: Carrying Burdens
Passage: Psalm 119:49-64
July 31
Week 5: Our Living Hope
Passage: Psalm 119:65-96
August 7
Week 6: Our Guiding Light
Passage: Psalm 119:97-120
August 14
Week 7: His Grace for Us
Passage: Psalm 119:121-136
August 21
Week 8: God’s Righteous Justice
Passage: Psalm 119:137-152
August 28
Week 9: Compassion & Obedience
Passage: Psalm 119:153-168
September 4
Week 10: Worship & Prayer
Passage: Psalm 119:169-176