
Stephen Minister Training

Stephen Minister training is an energizing experience featuring a variety of engaging training tools. Since 1975, more than 600,000 Stephen Ministers have been equipped to provide care to millions of people. Starting in January 2025, we will partner with the Stephen Ministry Leaders at Menlo Church to train a new class of PCC Stephen Ministers. In the training, you will: APPLICATION DEADLINE December 1, 2024 QUESTIONS?Email: sm@wearepcc.comPhone: 650-395-0646

Aslan House Sale

Aslan is putting the property, 43 Woodsworth, Redwood City up for sale. Their ministry is to support PCC staff with affordable housing.  To find out their rationale and plan for this collaborative decision and what it means for PCC, visit Questions? Contact Nicole Bergeron at

Year End Thank You

During the month of May, we are seeking to thank God specifically for those who have been a key part of making it through together! We will be posting on our social media, weekly newsletter, and website thanking different people each day. Check out below to see who has been thanked so far!

Help a Vulnerable Child

The Bible speaks clearly about caring for the vulnerable. Many Scriptures remind the church that it is their main call to action. In James 1:27 we read,  “Religion that is pure and undefiled, before God the father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”  The call to help the vulnerable has never been more important, as it is always the vulnerable who suffer most when times are hard. Your…

Help 100 Families

But… What if you COULD feed a hundred? With PCC Partner Generations United (GU), you can help ensure that 100 families will have quality fresh food every week. This initiative will build on another current partnership between GU and Facebook, which distributes fresh food weekly to those most in need within our community. We now have an opportunity to significantly broaden our reach! How? PCCers are joining together with people from the Latino community—preparing food for distribution and delivering it to families…

The Bay Area Blessing

GOD IS FOR YOU! At this unique and challenging time over 50 local churches have come together to sing a blessing over the Bay Area. This song is for everyone, for people of all faiths, and for people who may not yet believe. Never before have our churches come together to worship as one through song. This song demonstrates the power of the church being in every community and every street, serving the most vulnerable and isolated, and providing hope and encouragement. Release Date:…