In Acts 22 and 26, the apostle Paul gave his testimony to two different groups as he was arrested. He explained he went from observant Jew to Christ follower.
We all have a story like that to share. In this short series, Randy will share his personal story of how Jesus became his foundation. The following week, Scott will have us examine what our own story might be and how we can be prepared to share it. And on April 30, Randy will use Genesis 12:1-3 to speak about the journey before PCC looking at the journey Abram faced when God called him out of the land of Ur.

- To affirm the power of our story, how God touches our lives in profound ways.
- To prepare our own story, to tell others about the life God gives us in Jesus Christ.
- To look ahead at the story God has in store for us (PCC) this coming year.

April 16
My Story
April 23
Your Story
April 30
Our Story: The Journey Before Us